Beware! Staying Up Late Makes You Weak in Bed

You who often stay up late at night have a high risk of having erectile dysfunction (inability to maintain an erection). This unhealthy lifestyle can make you weak, tired, helpless when having sex with a partner.

In the event “Realize the Causes and Risk Factors for Erectile Dysfunction (DE)”, Andrologist Specialist, Nugroho Setiawan, explained that staying up late would cause decreased health and stamina, which affect sexual health.

“It’s (staying up) an unhealthy lifestyle. Our health will be back (down),” said Nugroho when met at Tjikinii Lima Restaurant, Jakarta, Wednesday (08/29/2018).

Declining health will make intimate relationships not optimal. Efforts to erect can fail. But there is a solution to overcome it, that is, you can Buy Viagra on Canadian Pharmacy.

Hormones are disturbed

You might think, staying up late with sleep changing into the morning to noon doesn’t matter. However, this is actually a problem.

“Staying up late is actually our lack of sleep. Then ‘paid’ (replaced) naps, the sleep cycle is reversed. It’s problematic because there are growth hormones, such as melatonin which only works at night,” said Nugroho, who practices daily at Fatmawati Hospital Jakarta.

In this case, hormones that work at night will be disrupted by their function because sleep is not in accordance with the cycle. Hormones for erection can also be disrupted.

Men can be difficult to erect. Therefore, Nugroho suggested, maintain 6-7 hours of sleep quality.